Monday, December 21, 2009

If you were to identify one aspect of your behavior that masks your insecurities, what would it be?

my insanity.If you were to identify one aspect of your behavior that masks your insecurities, what would it be?
anger. without a doubt.If you were to identify one aspect of your behavior that masks your insecurities, what would it be?
My tendency to mull over the topic and try to find a solution to get rid of the insecurity.
my perfectionism about some things. those things that i really get my identity from i try to be perfect in.
I exclude myself and become aloof
The fear of not being loved.
I feel I have to be perfect, so I don't get criticized.
Aspect of behavior? Behavorial trait, you mean?

I would say my ';Eternal Scowl'; tends to off-put people and I do walk with my eyes straight ahead never making contact with others', unless I am feeling friendly (or flirty). I use my Etneral Scowl to get others to leave me be---just the way I like it. :-)
I don't have any insecurities and I wish you would just leave me alone about it.
My need to be right about things! I don't like being wrong, especially in front of strangers! Makes me feel unintelligent.
The need to be the funniest and wittiest.
my apathetic compassion for the rest of humanity
sarcasm. if u answer anyone with sarcasm they back off and eventually stop asking questions. its not a nice way to go through life, so eventually you have to deal with your insecurities and hopefully move on and let people in. people you trust...
the need to think everyone must like you. Thank god getting older has cured me of this...
sometimes I laugh alot: it's an automatic response to make me feel i'm not left out. I laugh sometimes even when I think the other person is boring.

Sometimes I wish I could just be myself.
Telling you to mind your own business.
Coming here I would have to say. It makes me feel smart when I can't find another more apt outlet.
My obsessive compulsive disorder with cleaning my house and my appearance. If I can make it all look perfect on the outside it will be harder for people to see the bad on the inside.

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