Go to a military surplus store. Try and find unopened filters. While your at it you should get protective suits also. You need a bunch becasue they will quit working after being exposed to certain chemicals for to long.
If it's fall out your concerned with just stay indoors and if you do need to go outside just cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth, then take a shower when you come back.... but if things are that bad, I would rather go down fighting in combat. Maybe you should just join the army =)Where can I buy 4 quality gas masks?
There are survivalist websites and catalogs and -- if you live in larger city -- even local shops. These places would have this kind of thing. You're not alone. Many people want this kind of gear nowadays.
If you want to buy online, just type what you want into a search engine. (If you don't have a favorite, try Goodsearch. They make a small donation to the charity of your choice every time you search for something.)
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